Back on the road, we happily slowed down for (read: almost ran over) a family of baboons that was taking it's time crossing the road. Thankful that they didn't jump on the car and make off with our antenna (like they do at Six Flags), we carried on south to the Cape of Good Hope Nature Reserve.
The Cape of Good Hope is unbelievably beautiful (thanks to all of you who recommended it!!). Picture an amalgam of RT 1 in Northern California, the alpine zone of the White Mountains, and the colorful fauna of Martha's Vineyard -- then amp it up. We hiked up to the Cape Point Lighthouse, past an abandoned WWII radar station (which made us think of our friend Will, who's working at a radar station literally on the other side of the globe in Thule, Greenland -- dare you to Google map that one).
After we made our way back down, Peter took a shot at driving and we snaked our way up M65 and M6, past some rogue ostriches, back towards Cape Town. He did better than me on the left side of the road. It hurts to write it, but he did. Though we both invariably try to use the windshield wiper lever as a turn signal...
On the way back north we went up the west side of the Cape, through the Misty Cliffs and past the Kommetjie Lighthouse. The sun was setting and we can confirm that African skies are pretty sweet.
After some winding about downtown Cape Town, we arrived at the V&A Wharf for some food. Pete found a gear store we had to peruse before we settled down for dinner -- the gear was awesome, but we haven't found an excuse to buy anything yet.
Since we're in South Africa, naturally we selected a Portugese/Turkish restaurant. Dinner was great, but, about the title of this post -- apparently Cape Town is pretty notorious for its drunk driving checkpoints. In fact, we reached one just as they were setting up. Pete was driving, sober as the day he was born...but one of the dozen or so officers stepped in front of our Yaris and signaled for us to stop. Confused, we rolled down our window, and the officer said "Good evening sir, do you know where the head lights are on this vehicle???" Unfortunately, he had forgotten to turn them on. We remedied the situation and were on our way.
That's all for today! Tomorrow, we go wine tasting...
Good thing you didn't get pulled over after wine tasting!!! Sounds like you guys are already experiencing African adventures!
ReplyDeleteGreat stuff! I could hear the wind at the Cape in the clip. Has Kate been wearing the same clothes since Saturday?
ReplyDeleteMattie is still fine, now lets Makalu eat. She really enjoys wading in the stream - especially the chasing treats part. Mak is shaved, Mattie wants no part of it, but oddly, likes the hairdryer.
Got Skype, couldn't find your names. Help! Need to go wine tasting too!
ReplyDeletedid pete tell you the story about the last run in he had with the police? no... oops, i guess i shouldn't have brought that up!
ReplyDeleteGreat pictures, really blogging to see if I can do it.
ReplyDeleteUntil I got to the end, I was thinking that "Pete's Run In with the Police" meant your allusion to african skys, and was thinking that you EITHER meant Paul Simon or Toto, and not the Police. Haha. Now I'm gonna have that song stuck in my head all day!
ReplyDeleteMan, why couldn't I be deployed to an upgrade of a radar station at the Cape of Good Hope?!
ReplyDeleteNo one wants to launch nuclear missiles over the South Pole it seems :(
Where are you????